Speaker Recommendation for Tube Fan

Hi folks:
I'm a devoted tube fan that is currently using Magnapan 3.5r's driven by an all tube conrad johnson system (Premier 12's, 16LS Series 2, 15) along with a VPI Aries/JWM10/Benz Micro H20 vinyl setup. I'm just about ready to revert to dynamic speakers to capture the dynamic bloom and lack of a really deep bottom end not available from the 3.5r's (probably should be using solid-state, but like I said, I'm a tube person) in my room. What I am looking for are suggestions for speakers in the 5K price range that might mate well with my system. It's been a while since I have auditioned dynamic types, so I need a little help. My listening tastes include everything except country and rap (nuf said). The most important sonic qualities to me are a wide and stable image and a harmonically correct presentation.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and suggestions.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcjlundgren
Vandersteen 3A Signature. They are as good as your system. They sound great and will leave you with xtra cash since I believe they are under $4,000. Vandersteen is never bright and will be as detailed and authoritative as your system will allow. Bass is full and big but not boomy.
Thanks for the Vandersteen suggestion - I did listen to these before I bought the Maggies but my local dealer at the time went out of business. I'm sure these will be a much better fit in my room than the Maggies.
Thanks again.