B&W N800 vs Wilson WP7 vs Revel and others

I plan to upgrade my N802's in the near future and have a few speakers on my short list. I an interested in hearing everyone's thoughts or opinions. My short list includes:

B&W Signature N800's
Wilson WP 7
Wilson WP 6
Wilson Sophia
Revel Studios and Salons
JM Labs Utopia
Sonus Faber Amati

My current system includes Krell FPB 350 mono's and 7.1 processor. I will be using the latest EMC 1 cdp. Thanks
As an owner of Revel Salons, I would have to differ with some of these opinions. I've not heard the Wilsons or Aerials but have heard the B&W's. From reviews and reputation I respect all the speakers mentioned. I've owned the Salons now for over a year and it is ridiculous for someone to slam their build quality or sonics. These speakers are highly accurate just as the others and deserve a lot of time tweaking the components, placement, and the room. Anyone that slams any of these brands of speakers without being sure that this is the best setup available needs to think again. I've heard some really great components sound horrid at some dealers when making comparison. In fact some dealers actually decide which brand they make the most money on and do their best to sells these brands over other lines they may carry or models they just happen to have. Sometimes dealers are credit hold and do their best to sell what they have at the time.
Now, I'm not trying to sell Salons or other brands I'm just saying be very careful of others opinions. Go listen for yourself.
Check out this web page to find a JMlab dealer near you. It is for the JMlab North American distributor. Go to their dealers link and put in your zip code.


Good Luck,
At the price and performance level you are considering, you really need to hear as much as possible what is out there. I heartily recommend the Eggleston Andra II's, which I own and which I believe compete head to head with any of the speakers you mention; plus they are designed to go within a foot or two of the wall behind them, which gives them a big leg up in some rooms. Oh, yes, and their build quality is at least as good as Revel's, which, as someone above pointed out, is a major compliment. And although I haven't heard the Aerial 20T's, I have heard exceptional reports about them, and the 10T's were a steal at their price. Finally, I would check out what speaker Dynaudio has in that range--their larger ones are stunning. Enjoy yourself.

It is always interesting to read about what everyone likes. But rarely do we read WHY they like it over something else.
At this price range, the only logical thing to do is to devote several visits to audio shops to hear many of these for yourself.

I have liked the overall presentation of B&Ws but they never got me involved like others, e.g., Magnepans. However recently when I was auditioning preamps at a dealer in Minneapolis, the 800 Nautilus was setup with the Electro EMC1, BAT VK31SE and Classe amps.....cables were MIT. This system was one of those rare cases where the dealer really had put so much effort for system synergy with incredible musicality. To say I was impressed would be an understatement. You can throw expensive products together but I have heard so very few systems that did everything so well as this system. This is why you need to audition all that you can in YOUR system.

And the dealer who also carried the large VTL amps, said the B&Ws just worked better with solid state. So based on your system, you really need to audition the 800N.

I have no experience with many others on your list other than Wilsons. Time and time again, every time I hear a system with Wilsons, the sound is just too analytical for me. I do not get involved with the music through Wilsons as I know I am listening to an audio system. But I guess such a viewpoint from a Magnepan fan would be expected.

Btw, my current speaker is Talon Khorus and these are just wonderful. Far more resolution than the Magnepans but a wee bit less harmonically rich. So maybe you should put Magnepans on your list to audition? They too love solid state amps and the analog sounding EMC1 could be an awesome match.
You have listed some great speakers. As always you can add many others and as you know many people will tell you brand X is better. I would like to make a suggestion. Go listen to as many of the above speakers as you can and buy the one that sounds right for you. If you can't listen to a certain one then remove it from the list. You will always get someone who says their speaker is the best thing going and that could be correct. But if you can't hear it for yourself who knows.

Just my 0.02 before taxes..