Vandersteen users; do you biamp?

I have been narrowing my search to the loudspeakers that I will be getting next year. Besides listening, I have read many reviews and I have read from some reviewers that unless Vandersteens are biamp, you won't get as good a sound.

Users, how about it?
I asked Richard Vandersteen about bi-amping he said in no uncertian terms NOT TO DO IT! Just go with the subs and you'll be 75% at the level of the model 5's
an EXTREMELY FINE SOUND! Call Vandersteen yourself ,and he'll take your call since he's the person who deals with all questions regarding his products.
P.S. Like I said previously if you get the subs you're bi-amping already so you don't need to get another amp to do what you've already done. So don't worry ,get the speakers first ,live with them for awhile and maybe you'll be happy enough that you won't want to get the subs.If you do decide to get the subs It's cheaper and more efficient than to buy another amp IMO.Better to get a better amp down the line than 2 that may not be so good.
Hi Match...; I bi-amped the Vand. 3Asigs with a pair of McCormack DNA 2 Rev As, and could not honestly tell the difference between one amp and two (but initially I CONVINCED myself that I could-- bad mistake). But then the DNA2 is a very powerful amp (300 wpc 8 Ohm) to begin with.

I'm with the guys who responded above, if you like the 3Asigs, they are excellent speakers, and subs will improve them much more than bi-amping. Bi-wiring, as Vandersteen recommends, is worthwhile. Just use a good quality 200 wpc (or so) amp that you like (I used a McCormack DNA-1 Dlx with excellent results), and you'll be happy. The 3Asigs are wonderful speakers even without subs too. Cheers. Craig
Wait! Joeavid said up above that Richard Vandersteen told him to NOT biamp and Garfish is telling me that Vandersteen recommends biamping(or are biwiring and biamping different things?)

I am confused.
Vandersteen recommends it in HIS owners manual with the following caveat---"Don't biamp using two cheaper (ie;poorer sounding) amps. It is better to use one amp of high quality than two of lesser."
I biamped my 3A Sigs using a pair of standard McCormack .5's and could definitely hear a difference over a single .5. With my Theta, it is a close call.
Just use a good quality amp and bi-wire. Worry about the biamping stuff later if you want. It isn't needed to get good sound out of the Vandersteen's. Everybody tries to get that last bit of peformance out of equipment which is where I feel biamping lies. It may NEVER be worth it to some folks. Some of us "Audionuts" are "Anal retentive" when it comes to this stuff. I mean, I consider myself in the just idiot class to maybe just a total dumb ass! I mean I spent $5000 for an amp that is, yes, a little better than the $1200 I had in the two McCormack's (used). I have more pristine highs but at a price. It goes back to the old adage, you have to spend a lot of money to realize you didn't need to spend a lot of money.