Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden

With all the debate on hi end reviewers, I think it's pretty impressive to see Anthony Cordesman quoted, in the text below this video:
He's small potatoes. I can think of lots of people who've committed greater crimes and enjoy a celebrity status.

All the best,
Seems as if our 'hero' is having trouble finding a rock to ooze under.

And for all you shallow thinkers, remember this, people will die as a result of what he did.

Anthony Cordesman is a fine audio reviewer and a knowlegable foreign policy expert. Snowden has set us back so badly with his disclosures that it cannot be calculated. I consider myself to be a fairly liberal thinker and one who treasures the right of privacy that our justices have found in the Constitution. But I, like many, have no problem with our government obtaining massive amounts of meta data so that, when needed, it can be accessed to connect the dots of terrorist aspirants. I mean, isn't the defense of the country through use of available digital data a no brainer in modern society?
Snowden is a grandstanding joker who should be brought to justice and jailed.
Do you people that support the government illegally mining your private conversations and information remember J Edgar Hoover? McCarthy? What governments have done under the paradigm of "the greater good" has been pretty scary in the past.
Jingoism is a slippery slope.