Norh Speakers from Thailand: High-end or Hype??

I have occasionally seen the name Norh speakers mentioned on this website. They are unique looking if anything.They have a line of monitor-type speakers which use a marble cabinet and claim hi-end sound; nevertheless, I am more curious about their floorstanding speaker: Prism 6.9 which uses (the best) Vifa tweeter and Scanspeaker woofer. The description of these speakers on their website is hardly sophisticated or convincing. Also, they sell only mail order direct!! Are these speakers hi-end or hype???----FYI,the Prism 6.9 looks a bit like a pyramid on stilts. Has anyone owned or heard these speakers?? Need good input Thank you HNYear!!
Dismissing a product that could only be marketed at its price point via the internet on the basis of two opinions of people that you have never vetted or even met certainly will keep your life less troublesome (and, perhaps, less interesting).

Good luck.
TO Zorpman, While I was writing my response,I calculated that I might draw some criticism from the membership. Regretably, I wish I had the resourses of being more adventuresome, and you are probably right that basing my conclusion on the opinions of two members may be unfair to the Norh pedigree. Nevertheless,I have been burned once or twice on mail-order follies, and the price of the Prism 6.9 is too much money to gamble and possibly be disappointed. The aftermath of such an investment would also leave me with the task of having to resell the speakers that I received.
I totally respect your decision for not buying in the
internet there is always a risk.But dealing with Norh
people is cool.I know someone who needed to have his
amp service to them, it came back quick and they answer
his email quicker than, if you will deal with our local
snub dealer, Honestl, Iam very greatful with internet
Audiochain, like the Oddyssey, Norh, Audionut,I benefited
from them.And i got a good result too.My 6.9,with the le
amp monoblock $450 and ah cd sold by upscale audio, will
beat a system between 10k to 15k. How do I know, Ive been
to my friends home and dealers with that amt of money
that was spend.Maybe I got lucky synergizing my system,
or maybe Iam bias because i own it. One thing i always
try to avoid is to be bias, for i dont have the guts to
cheat myself. Lastly I am glad i took the risk, if I did
not,I would probably miss this treasure.ALSO NOT TRYING
I think there is a very positive review of Norh on The only thing they didn't like was the shape of the speaker. Gave it top notch sound. I don't remember which model they reviewed.

I'd love to see an internet direct show down. Aperion, Ascend, Axiom, Norh, Rockets, etc. I don't think any of the HT or Stereo rags will do it though. When I see the same few companies comprise the lions share of advertisng. I don't think any of the mags are going to risk saying anything blows Paradigm or Def Tech out.
I own some Aperion 502's and bought my Teenage daughter some PSB alpha Minis. Both are excellent speakers especially for the money. I also would love to see the above mentioned speakers in a show down and throw in some of those 'best value' speakers like Paradigm that are sold through high end audio stores.

I have done a direct A/B comparison between the Aperions and Paradigm Mini Monitors v.3. No comparison paradigm are great speakers. But not in the same league as Aperions.

Doubt if we will every get a true showdown. As you mentioned advertizing butters the reviewers bread.

Speaking of Norh. Has anyone heard the 3.0? Very curious about these.