I agree completely with Tok2000. Not just because of the compatibility issue, but because speakers vary much more in "personality" than other components (notice that I didn't say quality). There is also the issue of matching with your room - you don't mention the size - which will rule out a lot of speakers.
You mention home theater, does that mean that you want speakers where center and rear speakers are available as well? Does it mean that you will be using a subwoofer which will offload your main speakers in the bass? I have - in the absence of information - assumed that you want a 2-channel system with full range speakers.
I don't know whether you would consider DIY in which case you should look at the following non-conventional speakers
- GR Research Alpha LS (www.gr-research.com)
- Rick Craig Excelarray (www.se;ahaudio.com)
You can buy completed cabinets for the Alpha (total expense will be about 4000) and the Excelarray can be bought complete at around 5000. These speakers are both fairly efficient and should work with a wide range of amps, but they do require a big size room.
I haven't heard the VMPS RM-40, but they may well match your requirements from the reviews and owner comments. Note that there is a new ribbon option which is supposed to be a big upgrade. There may be some good offers coming for second hand speakers as owners upgrade to the RM/X that is to be announced at the CES.
You mention home theater, does that mean that you want speakers where center and rear speakers are available as well? Does it mean that you will be using a subwoofer which will offload your main speakers in the bass? I have - in the absence of information - assumed that you want a 2-channel system with full range speakers.
I don't know whether you would consider DIY in which case you should look at the following non-conventional speakers
- GR Research Alpha LS (www.gr-research.com)
- Rick Craig Excelarray (www.se;ahaudio.com)
You can buy completed cabinets for the Alpha (total expense will be about 4000) and the Excelarray can be bought complete at around 5000. These speakers are both fairly efficient and should work with a wide range of amps, but they do require a big size room.
I haven't heard the VMPS RM-40, but they may well match your requirements from the reviews and owner comments. Note that there is a new ribbon option which is supposed to be a big upgrade. There may be some good offers coming for second hand speakers as owners upgrade to the RM/X that is to be announced at the CES.