B&W N805 vs. Revel M20

Anyone had a chance to compare these two? I've heard them both, but have never been able to do a side by side comparison. Thanks.
I powered the M20s along with center and surrounds with a CJ
MF5600, which is not heavy on power and got plenty out of them. I also used the Proceed amp2/3 and had more than enough power.I would want 100wpc+ into 8ohms.
I own the 805's and found the Signature 805 to be a big improvement. It sounds like a much bigger speaker and had more of everything, bass weight, detail, soundstage, transparency, lack of boxiness...
Haven't heard the Revel's though.
I did a comparison of the B&W N805 and the Revel M20 at Marvin Electronics in Fort Worth, Texas. I found the M20s to be on the "cold and analytical" side of neutral.

I own the N805s and my primary (and only) complaint is that I feel that they could (and should) throw a larger sondstage - they sound like point sources. However, since my listening environment isn't ideal to begin with, this currently doesn't bother me. Match the N805s with a REL Strata III and you'll be a happy camper.

I also listened to the M20s at a dealer in Richardson, Texas. Even with different back-end hardware, I felt the same way.

To be fair, in both circumstances, I don't feel the M20s were adequately broken in at either location.
I've heard both on a Levenson system. Why pay the price of the M20s and have to spend 200 hours breaking them in? If you have tube gear, think of the cost let alone the time. For that reason alone, I like the 805-that is an unbiased, general opinion that can not be argued with. Even Revel tells you to break them in.

The 805s sound simply sweet, open and lively out of the box! Yes, the Revels are nice after break in but by then you have a hell of an ear ache.