New Speakers 1k

I currently have Vandy 1C's, but we're redecorating and I agreed to go to smaller speakers. I have a CJ MV-60,with a Shanling directly into it (no preamp). I'm interested in the Spendor S3/5 and the Harbeth HP3ES, but must admit I'm visually intrigued by the Gallo satellite set up. I listen to all kinds of misic, from Bach to Tuxedomoon to Willie Nelson. I can spend about1K. Any suggestions? Thanks.
I was in a similiar predictament...and after auditioning Vandies,Maggies,Spendors,Sonus Fabers,etc...settled on the new Quad 12L monitor...which is a larger standmount...for its transparency,detail,3-d imaging, and legendary Quad transparency....and for its price range...exceptional bass...the SPendor 3/5 is great on vocals,strings.etc...but has very little bass below 70hz...if you are used to Vandy bass...the QUad is the only small speaker I can think of that can compete....and they can play louder and cleaner than the Vandies...
I would check out the Sonus Faber Concertino. Looks like fine furniture (high wife approval) sounds amazing. Hard to find a speaker that looks and sounds as good for $1000.

I also auditioned the SF Concertino...but they really need a sub...which is what I wanted to for more full range sound...I opted for the Quad 12Ls....but I like clean deep bass...
I am interested in the Quads, phasecorrect, but fail to see how a 6 or 6.5" woofer in that size cabinet can rival the low end of a large cabinet, t-line 1C. If it will play louder and more cleanly than a 1C, even with more restricted bandwidth, that would also be a good achievement.
You should consider the J.M. Reynaud Twin MK 3's. Check There is a review by Bob Neil on this product. He compares them to the Spendors and Harbeth models. The price is around 900.00 new.