New Speakers 1k

I currently have Vandy 1C's, but we're redecorating and I agreed to go to smaller speakers. I have a CJ MV-60,with a Shanling directly into it (no preamp). I'm interested in the Spendor S3/5 and the Harbeth HP3ES, but must admit I'm visually intrigued by the Gallo satellite set up. I listen to all kinds of misic, from Bach to Tuxedomoon to Willie Nelson. I can spend about1K. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Well...dont get too caught up on specs,design,etc...let your ears be the judge...and suffice to say...specs can be misleading...the Vandy on "paper" is rated lower...but not by much...a difference of a few hertzs is just that...and the new Quad 12L is a large,deep standmounter with a unique dual port design ...and much more cabinet volume that anything near its price...but more to the point...Quad is one of the oldest hi-end speaker makers around...from the 50s...and they are designed in the UK...where the competition to produce a truly world class monitor is fierce...and their claim to fame is their ELS speakers...which are reknowned for transparency,detail, and 3-d me...I performed an exhaustive search of over 6 mos. to find a monitor speaker with this kind of imagining abilities AND full range bass performance...if u find something similiar for 1k...let me know...
ALso...I am comparing the Quads more so to the monitor speakers in their price range...such as the Spendors,etc....than the Vandies 1cs...although my dealer carries both...which is why I am very familiar with each...and did an a/b with each as well...bottom line:the Quads 12Ls do have enough low end that u will not be missing much(especially compared to the SPendors)...and I am not sure how loud you listen...but Vandersteens do not like even modest volume...and in this regard...the Quads low-distortion drivers really do shine...
Thanks to all. I think I'll need a closed monitor, cuz I'll need to put them close to the wall. The Quads interest me greatly, but there's that rear port thing. So I'll probably try the Reynaud's and Spendor's. Thanks again.
Hi, Wiley!

Try some Triangle loudspekers! They mate fabulously with tube amps - especially with Conrad-Johnson amps("meant to be married" as one reviewer said)!
Don't underestimate them for being so reasonably priced!

Best regards,
Von Schweikert Audio has introduced a new monitor speaker at $995 nominal, with 'introductory' pricing. They intend it to be a world-beater, and it's worth checking. Not very tall, sort of stout in proportions, but nice looking and with a superb wood finish for this price range. The single most impressive 'real world' speaker I heard at CES was the new column from IMF Audio. It's $1500, and still 4-6 weeks from availability, but I have to mention it, because it was stunningly good, and gorgeous looking. About 4' tall, made from 6" PVC pipe with a 6" heavy aluminum full-length plate inserted as the face, with MTM drivers. Very nicely finished in veneer or leather. Elegant! This is a seriously good speaker from a new guy who has purchased the remains of Bud Fried's company. This speaker (all Muse front end, including new Model 10 multi-format player) stripped so many veils from the music, it was awesome!