alas, I am in the same boat...require small wall mountable speakers due to SAF/space constraints. I don't want anything larger than a Spendor s3/5 (or another ls3/5a type speaker). I have used Linn Tukans in the past with good success but would like something different that works well on the wall. The Gallo Due speakers are attractive but I just cannot believe they will stand the test of time.
Suggestions other than the 3/5? Is the Sonus something that works well on the wall. My amplifier will be a Bryston 2B-LP for the front speakers (60 watts per channel, 8 ohms, 100 @ 4 ohms).
Suggestions other than the 3/5? Is the Sonus something that works well on the wall. My amplifier will be a Bryston 2B-LP for the front speakers (60 watts per channel, 8 ohms, 100 @ 4 ohms).