Eric, I am not going to comment on the TSM since I haven't heard them but have owned the VSM for over 3 years. What did compel me to respond was your comment about helping the little guy.
What I have learned about audio since owning these speakers and dealing with one of, if not the best manufacturers in the business (at least as far as I'm concerned) I would say that not only would you be helping the little guy but he would pay you back 10 fold by helping you realize what his little gems are capable of. And since they are designed by the man that designed the VSM I would expect they are quite capable indeed. Give him a call if you haven't already. You'll find out soon what I'm talking about.
In our little world of hi-end audio there are many really good guys and of them Bobby P shines bright. Always there to take a call and always helpful in giving sound advice on his products.
What I have learned about audio since owning these speakers and dealing with one of, if not the best manufacturers in the business (at least as far as I'm concerned) I would say that not only would you be helping the little guy but he would pay you back 10 fold by helping you realize what his little gems are capable of. And since they are designed by the man that designed the VSM I would expect they are quite capable indeed. Give him a call if you haven't already. You'll find out soon what I'm talking about.
In our little world of hi-end audio there are many really good guys and of them Bobby P shines bright. Always there to take a call and always helpful in giving sound advice on his products.