
I've just set up my first PC hifi rig. Not bad. I'm getting sporadic "drop-outs" (music cuts out for split seconds and comes back on its own). What is most likely cause?

-DAC (I use USB-only Kingrex)
-something else

All web sites or just particular ones?

Its not uncommon for some internet radio web sites, especially higher kbps bandwidth sites to drop out or more accurately stop and restart periodically on occasion often due to a combination of high load on the server and/or limited bandwidth between the site and you somewhere along the internet pipeline, especially during peak listening hours.
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What is the make and model of the computer, how much RAM (memory) does it have, and what operating system does it use (Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, etc.)?

Does this problem only occur when playing music directly from the internet, or does it also occur when playing files from a cd or files that are stored on a hard drive? If the latter, on what drive are the music files stored (on your internal "c" drive that also contains Windows and program files; on a second internal hard drive; on an external hard drive)? If they are stored on an external hard drive, how is it connected to the computer (usb, firewire, esata)?

What program are you using to play the music files?

What kind of internet connection do you have (cable, dsl, dial-up)? Go here and test the download and upload speeds of your connection, choosing the closest location from among those offered. Let us know the results.

-- Al
I had the same identical problem just before my hardrive went bad. I suggest you make a back up file just in case.
exactly what is your computer, what software and how is it all set up????? dropouts can be symptoms of a hard drive on its' last legs but hard to diagnose with the limited info you have provided.