whatz up with hi-end speakers near walls?

How many recent (disturbing) posts have there been regarding placing speakers(very good ones) inches away from walls? I realise there are living confinements,spouses,etc...but you to "create" this yourself in order to get audiophile quality sound...even in my small apt...I have monitors 4 ft into the room...if you dont have or want to sacrifice the room...no need to drop 1k on SPendors...go down to radioshack...and contrary to what others have posted...no speaker is designed to be almost flush with walls...none that I would like to own anyways...good sound is more so about placement than equipment...great sound is both....
It's not the thinking aloud that is the problem with this post but the statements to the effect of others are wasting their time and money by having different equipment and set-ups. I'm not defensive of my system and invite criticism, but constructively, not just to be told that I am stupid. (see Seandtaylor99's 2nd post)
Well, I'm going to step up to the pump and say what needs to be said. Fire back at will boys.

The essence of the thread as posted is that there are no speakers designed to be placed near the rear wall and anyone that does this should buy their equipment at Radio Shack since they obviously don't know what they are doing.

My non-civilized reply is that the poster doesn't know what he's talking about. I try to be humble about what I know and I certainly can identify those folks who are truely knowledgeable. I also try very hard to be polite but bristle when attacked in such a rude way. It's obvious that a couple of folks in this thread are relative newbies that are way over opinioned. Being new isn't something that is shameful but pretending to be all-knowing is.

Anyone can research the various posts by the offending parties and come to the same conclusion I have. They enjoy conflict for conflicts sake and know very little.

It's easy to be offensive on the internet and get away with it. I believe that this type of activity is compensating for not being able to be that way in person.
My goodness aren't we all hypersensitive today !? I think a bunch of you would do well to listen to some soothing music (with the speakers at an appropriate distance from rear walls per your manufacturer's instructions :-) )
As the poster...I have taken some well deserved heat...and if I had it to do over again...would have been more selective with my wording(and to those that were offended I am man enough to offer my apologies)...but since the "cat is out the bag" so to speak..I think a distinction should be made of placement in close proximity to walls(which can be beneficial for small monitors) vs. flush against a flat surface on bookshelves...my point being...placement is often more critical than the equipment itself...for most applications...