Speakers that sound like Thiels on steroids.

I am carefully searching for replacements for my beloved Thiel CS2.3's. Only 2 problems I have with these speakers currently are that they begin to compress when peak spls rise above 108db and I would prefer about another 10hz in bass extension. My goals are transparency (can never have enough), speed (rim shots to blink for), (visceral) dynamics, focus and bass extension down to at least 27hz, coherency, top-end extension and air, and the ability to play to 110-115db without compression. Priorities are listed in order so I'll compromise on the spl first. Budget is up to 20k new or used. Best candidates I've heard so far are Wilson Watt Puppy's 7 for about 22k new. The WP's have the bass extension and the ability to play loudly with clarity but I prefer my Thiels' midrange, soundstage and focus. Overall the WP's are fine but they sound like a rich man's Thiel and for 22k I expected them to kick dirt all over my speakers (they don't). Other candidates I have not heard and am interested in are Thiel CS3.6 (or their replacements, whenever they come out) and Piega C10/C8 ltd. Speakers I have auditioned and am not interested in are B&W Sig 800's or anything else made by B&W, JMLabs Utopias and Mezzo Utopias, Revel Salons and Studios, Maggies, Proacs, Martin Logans, Thiel CS6 and CS7.2.

All suggestions are appreciated.
Got an email back from Thiel regarding the SW1. They say that production is delayed awaiting parts and once the backorder is cleared some units will be shipped for review.

No word on a timeframe when production will resume.
With enough good quality juice behind them they play quite loud w/o distortion or compression - haven't used a SLM to verify but they should give you close to what you want in output, They definetely have more "headroom" than the 2.3s, at least in my experience. They also extend down pretty flat to 30hz - if you need more extension and slam below that the SW1 (when it becomes available) might be the ticket. I also prefer the midrange of the 3.6s to the 2.3s (not that the 2.3s are bad).

If you can give them a listen....
Third the ATC active 100's. Or try the active 150's or 200's. You will be doing yourself a disservice if you don't take the time to find these speakers (my opinion).
"jazzdude" I'm not familiar with the Bryston Powerpack, so I can't comment. But an active speaker is any speaker design(like powered subs) where the crossover is before the amplifier, and the amp is DIRRECTLY ATTACHED TO THE DRIVER(S)!...the result is MUCH MUCH more damping factor and control over the driver! Passive designs(the most common) you're most familiar with all have internal passive crossover networks AFTER THE AMPLIFIER! The amp must go throgh this passive network before it attaches to the driver(s)...this is not as efficient from an electro-mechanical/control standpoint
Yeah, you know I to am an admirer of the Thiels. I have liked the Thiel 2.3's and 1.5's in the past in my room. The 1.5 makes a much better music speaker than HT speaker however, as it sound stage is too low generally, and the speaker pressents itself a little too laid back in the pressence reigion. for some reason, the 2.3's worked WAY better for HT dubties in all situations I've heard em in! Either way, you have to cross em both over higher for HT purposes. With big strong amps, and a proper set up, you can get very nice clean, detailed, pretty, high-end sound for HT with the 2.3's, and it's pretty dynamic crossed over to a sub(s). While I didn't get a chance to catch the 2.4's at the show. I have briefly listened to the 1.6's for music...I liked em! I think the higher efficiency helps them in the dynamics as well(1.6's)! IF they have more pressence to the sound, and aren't as laid back through the midrange, I think they'll make great chioces for HT speakers in the right room/set up..but I don't have the experience with that scenario. I do look foreward to hearing the 2.4's reall soon. Anyone comment more extensively on the 2.4's?