I have a huge hump at 30Hz

I am happy with my system and I'm down to working with the room. I have about a 10dB hump in response at 30Hz. At 40 and 25 Hz it is pretty flat compare to the rest of the bass range so I have a pretty narrow range to deal with. The long dimension of my room is about 17 feet which would predict this response. It is not a huge problem since most music doesn't hit that frequency, but I would like to get rid of it. Is there an inexpensive way to deal with this?

I know that Rives makes a parametric bass EQ but I have to think there is a solution for less than $2800. I've read about helmholtz resonators but have yet to find any detailed instructions for building one. I've looked into tube traps but they don't have the high Q I need to get rid of the hump.

I'm thinking that an active EQ may be the only solution for such a narrow band of frequencies. Any ideas?
I would follow Rives recommendations on this one. I did not design my resonators and bought them from someone who had them built for him. I could find out who he used but Rives would likely be a greater resource. Mine are wooden and quite large. Mine are actually placed in high pressure zones, which according to Rives, sounds incorrect, although they help a great deal. I may have to talk to Rives and learn more from him. I certainly agree with others that you will not obtain the desired effect from absorption units such as Tube Taps.

Rives, if you would comment on the placement issue, perhaps we could all learn something. Thanks in advance.
Sure 30 is a big hump but I am turning 46 this summer and thats over the hump and let me tell you everything Hz alot more at 45.
Thanks again to everyone.

I just built a passive 2 pole high pass filter to feed my sub. After playing around with different component values and the settings on the sub, I have gotten much closer to a flat response. I'm only up about 5 dB at 30Hz and the rest of the bass region is flatter than it was. Given that my measuring tools are probably not that accurate anyway, I feel pretty good about the response I'm getting. Besides, it sounds good.