My room is overall 40x50 and fairly choppy, i.e. not symetrical in nature and smaller than that in the listening area. There is a pool table now in the optimal spot for listening, so unfortunately, I either have to shoot out of one corner into the room, or carve out a piece of the room and shoot into the short side, which would work better for room aesthetics.
This is why I'm not sure lower powered tubes would work. The room is quite large. I do have very pleasant recollections of Lamm ML2's running Martin Logan Statements, and have to say that the Peter Gabriel live CD that was playing was at low volume but very, very believable, natural and much like he and his band sounds live. I'm also very curious about the BAT VK 60/75 and how it gels with W/P 7. Anyone hear this combo at one of the recent shows (CES?).
Bryans, Atma-Sphere amps were my very first thought, as they can sound awesome, and I can imagine quite synergistic with the Wilsons but after owning another OTL, and discussing with those manufacturers, the 4 Ohm impedance may (possibly)be limiting how the low end reproduction and dynamic range behave was my overall impression (?)
Kevin, Ayre is an amp I'm interested in checking out, possibly their new x? surround amp. There was a nice review in TPV on it and sounded like a winner, if a little expensive and restrained on high end openness. The other amp was the BAT 6200 and Plinius Odeon multichannels. All supposed to be somehwhat tubelike and refined.
Bigkidz, do you have the email address?