2-Way Floorstander, $1500

My listening room is 12x16, I am looking for suggestions for quality floorstand monitors, new or used, F3<40Hz, preferably veneer finish, for quality, digitally amplified system, digital front end. Thinking about Quad 21L, Dynaudio Audience 62, Totem Hawk. Comparisons? Thank you.
As above, I agree that Vandersteens are very good, especially for the price (but no veneer). I've heard the Totem Hawk which I liked as well, but if I were buying in your price range I might take a look at (used) Meadowlark Shearwater Hotrods. On second thought, maybe not, as their carbon fibre woofers are best when used with tubes somewhere upstream.

Good luck!
I would look into the Proac studio line. Maybe the 250's are possible at that price.
You might be able to find the studio 125's from proac at that price range. Personally, I'd stay away from the Meadowlark Swift. I've had them and think there is better for the money. I did hear the Vandersteen 2Ce over the weekend and really liked it.
I like the Vandy 3a's as well. But I'll tell you what, if you've got the room and you can get good samples, you've gotta try and Apogee Stage (with stands, $900), Apogee Caliper Signature ($1000, no stands necessary), Apogee Duettas Signatures ($1500, no stands necessary) or the Maggie 1.6QR ($1100, no stands necessary). Except for the Duetta Signatures, you have money left over for a good, cheap used sub like the Velodyne FRS-12.

AND if you're using digital x-overs and amps, the Apogees are IIIdeal for active biamping (requires bypassing the internal x-overs...not that big of a deal, especially with the Stage).

Good luck