What happened to the Hales Design group?

I was looking forward to the day when i would finally have the wherewithal to buy their speakers but now they closed up shop. The Revelation 2s were supposed to be very good.
Are they coming back? Or did Paul Hales transfer to another company?
As I understand it: Hales was sold to Wadia, Wadia went bankrupt, and was purchased by investors who dropped the Hales line. Paul Hale went to work for, I believe QSC, or another proaudio company. I believe parts are available and will be for some time. I own the Rev 3s and am very happy with them. The Rev 2s were very close and some prefered them to the 3s. Go find some good used ones and enjoy.
They failed to thrive, and died.

However send me an e-mail and I'll fill you in on similiar but better speaks for less money. However you need to assemble them.

Woodman, your system is so much like mine, its a little freaky. Do you by chance know a source for the grill cloth or drivers?

BTW - what happened to Hales is detailed on the Stereophile site, I believe. Basically, what Woodman said. \