Putting floorstanding speakers on stands...

Anyone try doing this to get them at more of an ear level point?
Sistrum SP101's under my still almost Dunlavy SCiv's make a marked improvement.. The way these platforms are built allows me to adjust and compensate for floor irregularites left to right and align the tweeters so they are slightly north of my ears. The position I prefer. These platforms enhance detail, speed, imaging and enlarge the soundstage in all directions.. I higly recommend these platforms.. Tom
With the same speaker, KEF 103/4, but with different amps, I had different results when raising the speaker off the floor.

When I had the Aragon 8002, I had to keep the 103/4 far away from any wall including 8" off the floor. Now that I am using the Gaincard, I have the speaker only a few inches from the rear wall and no longer raising it off the ground.

The KEF is a 3-way speaker with about 40" height.
Sounds like that Gaincard could use a little help in the bass dept...or is it that the Aragon dances with lead feet?...
Hi Z-man,

I am not sure what lead feet means...

However, the Gaincard definitely doesn't play as loud as an Aragon, ARC, Nakamichi Stasis, or any other amp I had except for maybe the Aleph, but it does control the bass very well. So, I wouldn't say the Gaincard needed help with the 103/4. After all, it is a 91db efficient speaker.

And, ont he contrary, the 103/4 actually needs to be away from walls to produce feasible bass, that is, before I tried the Gaincard. With the Gaincard, I can push the speakers all the way back and remove its elevations. The bass is still better than with the other amps. But, the highs greatly improved more and more as I get the speaker closer to the wall.

So, maybe the Gaincard has better synergy with the KEF and the newly acquired Bogdan silver cables I am using now. The Tannoys I was using didn't fare as well with this set up. I think, perhaps, Tannoys just like copper cables.
I use a custom-made pair of 6" tall Sound Anchors under my B&W Matrix 803s. joel