Psb Platinum speakers

Has anybody had a chance to see and hear the new Psb speakers? Can you give me your impression please?
Hi Gmood1,

Read with great interest your evaluation of the PSB Goldi's vs the Meadowlark Swifts. I'm not sure what you were using for electronics but whatever it was must have been seriously defective. I'll refrain from commenting on the Meadowlarks, to each his own, but with decent amplification and a good source there should be no comparison between these speakers. The PSB's are less then forgiving of amplification that cannot drive them to perfection, but a good high current design from Classe or McCormack will make these babies sing in a way the Meadowlark's never could.

When you mentioned that the tweeter of the PSB called attention to itself I immediately knew you were underdriving these amazing big fella's. I just recently made the Goldi's a permanent fixture in my home, and only after a very long and exhaustive search to replace my passion for electrostatics. Please note that I also considered some very expensive B&W's during this process, I can fortunately state that I could afford the bigger B&W's, but they were not musical in my evaluation of a loudspeaker.

Grab a Classe CA-201 or a McCormack DNA-225 and try out those Goldi's again, there's no doubt in my mind that you will reconsider your opinion.
Maybe one of these days I will try your suggestion Rjhalla and see what happens.As for you Winoguy, the truth really hurts doesn't it!Get over it and pull a cork.And you can keep your 2 cents!
Don't want to get too off topic here or make it sound like
I am PSB fanboy, but besides the decent amp size of Gold-I they really need at least 16x16 size space to sound good.
This means pull them 5-6ft out from speaker wall to get best imaging etc.

Not saying they are unbeatable at their price level, but they offer good value for audiophile. I'm sure the Platinums will sound even better but they should at 2x the price.

I own some PSB Silver-I also and think they are a little more detailed and image even better vs Gold-I, but overall I prefer the Gold-I sound.
To Gmood1:

Where exactly did you audition the Platinums with VTL's?? In conversation with one of the largest distributors of PSB products just 3 days ago I was told they are scrambling to get hold of a pair of the new Platinums, any pair by the way.