Unsettled and considering changing stuff

I honestly have no idea why but I got an itch lately to change my main system. Probably that damned trip to Vegas to see the toys at CES. To my ears my system is very good and I haven't really changed much recently. So why the hell change anything? Do you guys get bored with your setup every now and then and swap things out even though the system as a whole is putting out some good tunes? In keeping with the spirit of providing all the information needed for other members to provide an informed opinion...

We'll start with the room...My room is roughly 14' x 25', cathedral ceiling that goes from 8'(back wall where the speakers are) to 20' (listening position). Persian rug of some sort on the hardwood floor. The speakers are on the back wall (standard sheet rock construction) about 4' from the wall and 3' from the side walls (toed in slightly) and about 15' from my listening position. Got a leather couch in-between the speakers but the Logan's are tall and don't seem to suffer much from having the furniture there. Directly behind my listening position is a set of glass patio doors but I have heavy drapes to take care of that. I have hospital grade outlets for everything, other than that no room tweaks. This room is the family room so doing room treatments and such is out of the question (I've tried every sleazy angle to get her to give in, no luck at all), and there really is no other room I can set up my rig. All in all not that bad a room anyway.

Music? My music collection is about 800 CD's and roughly 2500 LP's. I listen to my turntable 50% of the time, CDP 30%, tuner 15%, tape deck 5%. I listen to a wide variety of music but generally spend about 70% of my time listening to rock, 20 % blues, 10% classical. My musical tastes run from grunge (think Rage Against the Machine) through to Steely Dan but I spend the majority of the time listening to the likes of Dire Straits, Steve Winwood, Blue Rodeo, Peter Gabriel, Roxy Music, Sting, etc... Yeah, I like vocal based music, preferably acoustic.

The current system (I never turn off any of my gear):

- Oracle Delphi MkIV, SME345 Arm, Grado Sonata Cartridge (marble base)
- Lehmann Black Cube Phono Preamplifier
- YBD CD Integre CD player (remote)
- Sansui TU-517 tuner
- Nakamichi RX-202 Cassette Deck
- Rega EAR headphone amp (used along with Senn 600's)
- Balanced Audio Technology VK30 Tube Preamplifier (with remote, EAR feet)
- Balanced Audio Technology VK500 amplifier (with BATPAK, EAR feet)
- Martin Logan Quest Z speakers
- Sennheiser HD600 headphones, Cardas cable
- (2) 5' Synergistic Research AC Reference power cords (preamplifier, phono stage)
- (1) YBA Diamond power cord (CD player)
- (2) Harmonic Technology Pro AC11 power cords (amplifier)
- (2) MIT Z-Cord II power cords (speakers)
- (2) Maple Audio Works Ambiance interconnect (Black Cube, CDP)
- (1) Transparent MusicLink interconnect cord (Tuner)
- (2) Phoenix Gold RCA-Balanced interconnect cable (Nakamichi Deck)
- Goertz Micropurl 25' Balanced interconnect (preamplifier to amplifier)
- Transparent MusicWave 10' Bi-Wire speaker cables (spades)
- Nitty Gritty 1.5Fi MkII record cleaning machine
- Custom built oak stand for source components, preamplifier, and music. Amplifier stand

So what's wrong with the set up? What don't I like? I guess I find it less involving than it ought to be, sounds good but doesn't draw me into the music they way I would like it to. Wonderful detail, but not engaging. I suspect maybe I ought to consider changing the speakers but I'm not a box-speaker fan at all. Maggies? Maybe consider the Avantegarde Uno? If I went this route I'd sell off the amp too cuz the Uno are powered speakers and have the added benefit of being designed to be used right up against the wall (they even sell wall mounting brackets for this purpose). Or stay off the merry-go-round and buy even more music?
Install some Marigo tuning dots on your walls and perhaps your windows. They can be painted to match your wall color and are not very visible at all. They should make your sound more involving in addition to other benefits. You will be more and more impressed with the results the closer you get to a full treatment. Marigo offers a 30 day evaluation period. This is somewhat risky as the adhesive on the dots can tear the paper off your sheetrock if removed. I doubt very much that you would want remove them though. Marigo Audio website
The Quests could be the problem. I have heard the Quests and Quad 988's. The Quads blow these away big time. Word is 988's are better than 989's. Used 988's are about $4000. Probably the best bargain in hi fi ever.
Dear Sir,

You are exhibiting signs of audiophilia nervosa, secondary stage. The tertiary stage, often terminal, manifiests by opening up a 2-channel audio business with the inevitable consequence of financial harm to yourself and loved ones. I'd suggest regular intake of Luvox or Welbutrin with a touch of Zyprexa as required when walking by a high-end emporium. Further, you could wire your mouse to impart a gentle electrical stimulus to your frontal cortex whenever you click on "New Today".

On the other hand, get a BAT phono pre and enjoy!
Some good suggestions and for the most part entertaining! Thanks guys. My Logan's are the Quest Z's if that makes any difference to anyone out there (more stable impedance than the original Quests). Yeah, those shows are evil. I fell in love with some big ass SoundLabs they had playing there, man are they a sweet speaker. The Quads are of interest, I know they had arcing problems with their early 'stats but I suspect they have solved this problem by now. I'll see if I can find a pair nearby to listen to. The Avantegarde's are intriguing; very low WAF though (they look like a jet engine) so they'd have to be a major step up to fight the noble battle of bringing them home. As for SACD, well that may be an avenue worth exploring at some point but really wouldn't help with all my current software.

I suspect I may be better off doing some more tweaking, the dots are a good suggestion. Tube rolling, yeah, I need to roll some more tubes in my preamp. Jeez this hobby is a curse at times!
Since the majority of your listening is vinyl, why not shoot for a new phono stage? That seems like the most logical place to start. Given the fact that you like your tubed preamp, a tubed phono stage might give you more of what you are looking for. Just a thought. Sean

PS... Yes, shows can induce "evil thoughts" into your head. That is their purpose. Then again, audio websites and magazines might not be far behind what the shows do : ) Sean