Paradigm 100 v.3 – B&W 804 dilemma… please help

I was almost set to buy Paradigm 100 v.3 after auditioning them (well I auditioned 60’s and just assumed that the 100s will be better) last week but auditioned some B&W 804’s speakers today and now I am CONFUSED!

The B&W 804’s sounded really good. Clear and smooth but was powered by an 80 watt amp whereas the Paradigms were powered by a 200 watt Sunfire amp. Thus, I need to ask for advice from you experts again. How good are the Paradigm 100 v.3 compared to B&W 804? Has anyone auditioned for these two speakers and which one did you end up getting… why? I read somewhere that the Paradigm 100 v.3 are as good as the high end B&W Nautilus line. Is this true?

Additional question… what system would be better for 70% movies 30% movies system
1) Paradigm 100’s and studio cc + 20 side surrounds + studio cc rear
2) B&W 804 fronts and nautilus HTM 2 center + B&W CM or 600 series bookshelf speakers for my surrounds and rear.

Finally… for people who are familiar with B&W. How big is the difference between 804 and CDM 9NT?

You make a good point. I'd still take the non-equalized audition over some jerk's (like me:) advice, though. But if opinions are what you are looking for, I can respect that. Unlike most people, I don't think Paradigms are competitive in the $2k range for music (I don't do HT), while B&Ws would serve me pretty well.

Since you mention classical, jazz and pop, I feel a little more objective in thinking the B&W are more appropriate. They are more refined than the Studios and they especially portray classical um, better. The impression I get from others and past threads is that most people who have heard the two feel the same. Have fun, my man.
I know i go against the grain by saying this, as there are many Canadian speaker "devotie's" on board, but besides bass extension, there's not a single area soincally that the Paradigms best the 804's in my opinion! Yes, the 100's will play possibly harder and deeper in the bass, with bigger woofers and cabinet. But that's where the competition ends in my experiences. The refinement is assuredly on the side of ANY OF THE B&W Nautilus(or even older Matrix for that matte) over the Paradigms! And I've never owned either brand, but have sold them extensively.
Trying is the only test for your preference however. Everyon's got a different oppinion of course
I agree with both Ohlala and Foreverhifi.

I listen to a lot of Classical as well and the B & W's do a great job. (I use CDM-9NTs)

It is curious that the B & W's are lower priced there, while the Paradigms are inflated. Seems that the distance from England or Canada isnt that big of a deal. Could be some trade tariffs or other factors in play that I am unaware of.

Anywho, if it is only a 500 difference from S100s to N804s, I can tell you simply, that the N804s would be in my trunk on the way home.

I was using a Rotel 976 and 1075 to power my CDM-9NTs, I liked the setup well.

Last but definately not least, these are just my opinions, you would be best served by letting your own ears decide.
I used to own B&W N804s - for two years. I liked them, they looked good, and they were as good as I could hope for the crazy deal I got on them. Then I came across the Paradigm 100.2 (i.e. v2) and was very impressed. I compared them to the 804s with the same (all McIntosh) system and kept the Paradigms. They had a more balanced sound to my ear, more coherent and the decay was outstanding. The soundstage expanded and cleared up with the 100.2. Their bass stomped the N804s very badly (perfect for bass-insensive movies too). I was amazed. I bought the 100.2 and have never looked back. Sold the 804s for the same price! Anyway, IMO, the Paradigms sound better. Your ear and system may make the outcome different however. I will be auditioning the 100.3 soon. Take care and good luck! Arthur
Go for Studio 100..I am in UK..I even chose Studio 100 over B&W..although the B&W is a local brand for me it was never as good as Studio 100..People talk as if bass is never important..for me it is and Studio 100 has some deep and powerful bass..look at the is only 24 what does that mean??not enough bracing..a good cabinet contributes a lot to the sound. means heavy bracing..better sound..they have not even braced the 804 inside(24 kg..ridiculously light) looks so..but what about Studio 100??,,55kg each..heavy bracing and a stiff cabinet..result?better sound..And still B&W asks more than Paradigm does..and the V3 is almost out now..I would definitely buy the Studio 100 V3...