Speaker advice: $1200 budget

hi everyone.

i'll soon be in the market for a pair of new loudspeakers, and once again i ask for you advice and consultation. My system:

Ah! Njoe Tjoeb 4000 CD Player
LFD Mistral LE Integrated Amplifier
Clarity Labs Emberglow Interconnects

Right now i have a pair of old Beovox S45s from the late 70's w/fairly cheapee Monster Cable speaker cables. The room is about 12 x25, with hardwood floors and two windows (a rug someday soon, speakers first)

I listen to every concievable kind of music from Afro Cuban drumming--to very heavy/dubby DJ stuff--to Coltrane--to Brahms.

I have $1200 and will buy used gear. looking for full, rich, and involving sound---for a big improvement on the current speakers. (looking actually to have my mind blown, if i may be blunt).my system now sounds a touch bright, but i suspect its because my new (and VERY beautiful) LFD amp is only about 50 hours in. Good, tight low end is very important to me (not bloomy bass), even though my downstairs neighbor is plotting at this very moment for my complete and total downfall.

Thinking about Totem Hawks, Spendor, maybe Dynaudio.

what do y'all think?

The Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures are well within your budget, and if you are willing to spend another $100-200, you could get a used pair of Vandersteen 3A's (which could be upgraded at some future point to the 3A Signatures). Given your stated listening criteria, the Vandy 3A's would be a fine choice.
Do a search for soliloquy on A'gon. The 5.0's are beautiful speakers for $750/stands included. The 5.3's are going for $1100-1200.
Not sure the Spendors will whomp you enough. Their midrange is to die for at the price, though. Maybe used Vandersteens or big Paradigms are more up your alley. But if you treasure a great midrange get the more efficient (88-89dB/w) Spendor 3/1p (6.5 + 3/4)) or SC3 center channel (5+ 3/4 + 5) turned sideways, rather than the low-efficiency 3/5 or new S3. Have fun auditioning. What about the new JMLabs Chorus? PSB?
Best Budget speaker on the market used Vandersteen 2ce signature now going for 900 to 1200 used. But They like a bit of power and tend to be a bit hard on Amps due to its a four way disign
Again..Vandersteen...not the tightest low end or at high volume..but very "spacious" and musical...I like Spendors too...but they are pricey for what one gets...