Vandersteen 2Ce Signature vs. 3A Signature

For a moderate-sized room (16x25x8), what do the Vandersteen 3A Signatures offer that the 2Ce Signatures do not? Associated equipment: Pass X1, Pass X350, Electrocompaniet EMC1 MKII, Acoustic Zen Satori (shotgun), AZ Silver Reference MKII, Cardas Neutral Reference and REL Stadium III. Type of music: bluegrass, traditional country, folk, classical. Please confine responses to these two speakers. And I'd like to hear from people who have heard both at some length. Thanks a lot.
I own both 2C (surrounds)and model 3 (fronts) for my home theater. They are sonically similar, the 3s just do everything better. More effortless bass, a cleaner smoother midrange, more air and extension in the highs. The threes play louder without sounding distorted. Although I don't have the latest version of either I imagine the analogy is still the same.
The threes are more demanding of the amplifier and will not sound nearly up to their potential without a good amp.
Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your opinions. I'm mainly looking for a bit more clarity than what I think the 2Ce Sigs offer.

(Scb6: I think my Pass X350 is up to the task.)
I think the 2's a better value. That said, I think the rest of your system would appreciate the difference the 3's offer.