Kharma 3.1 vs. Quad 988

I am purchasing the Manley Shrimp/Snapper combination and cannot decide between the Kharma 3.1 and the Quad 988. My listening room is 16x17 and I mostly listen to jazz and classical. I loved the Quads for their transparancy, soundstaging, and lack of coloration/distortion. They really made me feel passionate about the music again. However, I am having a hard time with the "wife acceptance factor" and a friend suggested the Kharma 3.1 . I know the Kharma 3.2 just got the great review and that there is a big difference between the two. However, for this price point I wonder what the feeling is out there since I have not been able to audition the Kharma 3.1. Thanks for the help.
A bit off the track, but does anyone have any hands on comparison between the Sonus Faber Extrmas, Kharma 3.1s or 3.2s and or the Quad 988 ?

How would you describe the differences in sound ?

Tough call. Both are excellent speakers. Probably a couple of the best in the world. I love Quads. In fact I have owned 4 pair of different vintages. But for day to day listening and the ability to play all kinds of music I would probably lean towards the Kharma. Beautiful also.
I don't sell either brand so rest assured I am not trying to sell you anything.
I currently own 988s and just ordered a pair of kharma 3.2 They should arrive in a week. I look forward to hear for myself what others have. I bought without ever hearing, just based on reputation....I will tell you soon.
I finally received my 3.2s last Monday. I have spent every minute of free time working with the placement. Just ten days before the arrival of the Kharmas, I received a pair of Tenor Wi 75. I plugged them to my 988s and heard what I never thought possible to get from the Quads.More dynamics more transparency ( if that is possible)bigger satge etc.. For a moment there I thought that there was no way that what I was hearing could be improved upon...It was. To make a long story short, the 3.2s are all the Quads are plus additional dynamics,sage, detail,depth and height and a bit more bass, only that "that bit of bass" is tighter more natural.
I could have been a very happy man listening to my 988 with the Tenors and just investing in a better front end, but once you hear the Tenor/Kharma deal, there is no way back.
I look forward to continue working with placement as I can tell that there is more to the 3.2 than what I have heard so far.
Anyone compare the Kharma 3.2 to either the Wilson WattPuppy 7 or Sophia speakers from Wilson Audio?