2 REL Storms or 1 Stadium?

I have the JM Lab Micro Utopias. Right now they are hooked up to the YBA passion amp and I also use a single REL Storm sub woofer. Would I be better off getting another Storm or selling the Storm and getting a single Stadium?
Statman, I'm sure you are right the Stentor III is an awesome sub and I have thought about it as a possible future upgrade.
They are beautifully made and very musical subs. The Stadium has been trouble free and it's on 24/7.
The Stadium 3 is an excellent subwoofer. I think they are so good that I purchased a pair. I have absolutely no regrets. Would I have better sound with a pair of Stentors, you bet! But I imagine if I had bought twin Stentors, I'd then be lusting for a pair of Studios.
My room is 15x16. Do you feel the Stentor will be too much for this sized room? I hope not!
A couple comments:
1) Don't worry about room size, either will work fine in your room. You're going to have to spend some effort on placement, though, since your room is pretty close to square. If it has 8' ceilings, that's a pretty bad situation for standing wave problems as it is almost exactly 1:2:2. This will cause problems in the lower end of your satellites as well.
2) IMO, the Stadium is a bigger step up from the Storm than the Stentor is up from the Stadium (law of diminishing returns begins to kick in here as everywhere else). This is not to say that the Stentor isn't worth it; I think it definitely is. But the Stadium is still a very good sub.