2 REL Storms or 1 Stadium?

I have the JM Lab Micro Utopias. Right now they are hooked up to the YBA passion amp and I also use a single REL Storm sub woofer. Would I be better off getting another Storm or selling the Storm and getting a single Stadium?
Actually the Stadium III is the entry into the upper level REL subs with an ARM loaded cabinet like the Stentor III and Studio III.

I had the same question a while back. I am using the JM Lab Mini's and based on the recommendation from Sumiko I will be using a single Stadium III rather than two Storm III's. I haven't got the Stadium yet....but look forward to that day!
Statman, I'm sure you are right the Stentor III is an awesome sub and I have thought about it as a possible future upgrade.
They are beautifully made and very musical subs. The Stadium has been trouble free and it's on 24/7.
The Stadium 3 is an excellent subwoofer. I think they are so good that I purchased a pair. I have absolutely no regrets. Would I have better sound with a pair of Stentors, you bet! But I imagine if I had bought twin Stentors, I'd then be lusting for a pair of Studios.