Bi-wiring...tell me more

Sorry to be so dumb, but I inherited the infliction. I have some new Triangle Titus speakers and they are bi-wirable. I now have an NAD 340 integrated and plan to upgrade in the next couple of months to a Creek 5350SE and add a subwoofer, probably one of the new Hsu models. What can you tell me about bi-wiring? Can I bi-wire the Triangles to the NAD340? Both sets of wires would have to go into the same speaker-out terminals. Thanks!
Try this cheap idea I got from a post on Audio Asylum. Go to Radio Shack and buy enough l8 gauge to 22 gauge solid core (not stranded) wire to make two runs from amp to speakers. Use pieces of the same wire as jumpers when single wiring. Try your setup biwired and singlewired and compare - see which you like best. No, this won't give you the sound you might get from expensive wire, but it will (or should) give you a sense of which (bi or single) sounds best in your system. And it won't sound bad on an absolute basis either.
Some to many will testifiy that bi-wiring typically improves soundstaging and imaging along with providing a more open and airy presentation.

However, at least one white paper actually call this 'improvement' a distortion of sorts and after the initial emotion of experiencing the 'improvement', the paper claims it is unnatural and is more like slimely pollution with every record you play. Or something like that.

Here's the paper:

Whether it truly is a distortion, I do not know.

Nevertheless, popular forklore states that some speakers sound better bi-wired and that some speakers are meant to be bi-wired.

On the contrary, you should never consider just the speaker when contemplating bi-wiring. You should also take into consideration the contribution that other components and the cables themselves make. Not to mention your system's synergy as a whole, and finally your budget.

Even after much research and eventual purchase, you may or may not notice any sonic difference. And if you do, those sonic differences could be good or bad.

In my case, I had internal bi-wired cables that had mono terminations on both ends. Then I converted those terminations to bi-wire and noticed the usual improvements.

I recently purchased new and different sc's and I am back to mono terminations with matching 6-inch jumpers and the original speaker jumper straps back in place.

And I do not feel that I'm missing the bi-wiring affects as I believe the new cables and other subsequent upgrades have more than made up for those affects.

Personally, I'm neither for bi-wiring nor really against it, as every system and taste is different.

But my first suggestion would be to use those monies that you may have earmarked for bi-wired cables toward an upgrade of the weakest link in your system, cables or otherwise.

I guess I don't believe bi-wiring needs to be as important as some believe it is.

Some good responses here...and Stehno nailed really is system dependent vs speaker dependent...that being said...I tend to side with of the few companies that doesnt believe in the so called "benefits" of bi-wiring...they dont include biwiring terminals on their speakers...and I dont own Dynaudio products...but find that biwiring does help sell more pricey cables...and to a small degree inflates the cost of most speakers...unless you have a very revealing hi end which case you would probably b-amp anyways...
I biwired my my new system and the sound stage was clearly better. I think a lot depends on the manufacturer. If Dynaudio doesn't believe its design will benefit from biwiring then they know more about their speakers than anyone else and its a reasonable approach. I spoke to reps. of both my speaker manufacturer (Revel) and my cable mfgr. (Sonoran) who both believed there was a benefit to biwiring. The cost of biwiring my cable, which was custom made, was not significant greater. I listened to the speakers in both modes and felt biwiring was helpful. I put a lot of stock in the advice of the mfgr. Their not selling me cable and they make a great speaker. Same is true of my cable mfgr.