Monitor selection

I hope you guys can help me out with my dilemma. My system consists of:
Ah! Njoe Tjeob CDP with the Burr Brown OPA627 Op-amp upgrade
Van Den Hul The Bay C5 IC
Parasound HCA 750 power amp
Acoustic Research speaker wire (to be replaced soon)
Magnepan MMG

The problem is that I don’t get much clarity and detail from the MMGs, so I plan to sell them and buy some used monitors. I need some monitors that are bright and have really good midrange, bass is not really critical because I have a subwoofer. I’m in a cramped dorm room measuring 14 x 21, and I can only spend about $700, maybe $800. Here is a list of used speakers that I found in my price range.

Totem Model One
Meadowlark Audio Vireos
Vienna Acoustics Haydn
PSB Stratus MINI
Omega TS-1 R
Angstrom Legato
Silverline SR-11
Soliloquy 5.0
Linn Katan

I need some help in deciding which one to buy, also let me know if there are better monitors out there.

Quad 11L or 12L(at the high end of your budget)...they offer incredible resolution,speed,dynamics, and a very wide soundstage(wide sweet spot)...they dont quite have the"see through" transparency of Maggies...but nontheless...they have very low box "colorization"....and very tight, punchy bass for a monitor...they are rear ported in design...
Duddley, Magnaplanars are not electrostatics, and cannot arc. You haven't got any experience with these speakers, do you? Please don't blame it on Pink...
Triangle Titus for $250-350 pop up on this site often...with a sub...they would be exactly what you are looking for...detail, transparency, and huge soundstaging from such a small speaker...good luck...
the psb's are probably not what you're looking for...

Totem ones would be nice. They offer quite good soundstaging / imaging and reproduce midrange in a very realistic manner.

btw, i suspect that your Parasound is a hindering factor in the overall equation.