Proac vs. Meadowlark

I'm interested to know if anyone has listened to both brands. Plan on using them with a all tube system. I'm more interested in two-way speakers.

I have had both ProAc Response 1 SC and Meadowlark Kestrel and Verio in my system with a CJ MV 60. They all work well with tubes. Each has its own strengths depending on what you want and expect. ProAc is more detailed or maybe brighter than Meadowlark. Meadowlark has a different sounding bass, maybe more bass. Midrange on both are close, with Meadowlark being a bit warmer. ProAcs are very stand dependent and Meadowlark need at least 6 feet between them to really image well.

What is your budget? There are options based upon price, music preference and the rest of your system.

I think you pretty well covered it! I was most curious about the bass, and the midrange. I do prefer my midrange a bit sweet, so most likely I will go with Meadowlark. But perhaps I will opt to get a pair of used Shearwaters. I am interested in the Osprey, but it is a bit out of my price range for new. And there aren't enough people here that have lsitened to them yet.

My music? Mostly jazz, blues, and a bit of classical.

thanks for the help!
Go with the Shearwater. I am not convinced about the new Meadowlarks yet. They are a different sound and I need to listen to them more. They still out perform many more expensive speakers. But my old ears do not want to change too much.

Although you narrowed the field down to these two brands, try and listen to Silverline.

Just when I get it down to 2 different speakers, you through another name at me :)

Silverline? hmmm... I'm assuming they are similar to the two I am interested in?
I’ve owned Meadowlarks (Kestrel HR), and upgraded to ProAc (1.5, then 2.5), for what that’s worth. I believe Meadowlark to be one of the best choices out there all things considered, however, to my ears mid range clarity and detail is significantly better with the ProAc. I’ve also heard Shearwaters and the new Swift. I paid A LOT more money to get a little better finesse, but to me it was worth it. I also spent a good bit of quality listening time with the Silverline SR17’s before finally purchasing ProAc 1SC’s for my second system. Silverline makes a great speaker as well. Considering I had a sub for the second (smaller) system, I chose the ProAc because they imaged a bit better and had a little more air. Hope this helps