B&W Nautilus 802 vs. ProAc Responce 2.5

Could anybody give me some advice, what to choise?
I can't hear them a/b because they are in each end of the country, but would like to buy the "best" of them.
I have Cary Audio Tube amps but planing to change to ML.
Please help!!!!!!!!!
I have Cary amp and ProAC speakers. Can't see any reason
to change from that.

I believe I've read that the proacs are more efficient - have you compared the #s?
To Tweed; what kind of ProAc do you have? I have ProAc Studio 250 but planning to upgrade to Responce 2.5 or B&W N802!
The 802 cost a lot more than the 2.5
Do anybody know if it is worth the ekstra money from ProAc Studio 250 to Responce 2.5???
I Can't compare, they are to far away (used speakers).