B&W Nautilus 802 vs. ProAc Responce 2.5

Could anybody give me some advice, what to choise?
I can't hear them a/b because they are in each end of the country, but would like to buy the "best" of them.
I have Cary Audio Tube amps but planing to change to ML.
Please help!!!!!!!!!
To Tweed; what kind of ProAc do you have? I have ProAc Studio 250 but planning to upgrade to Responce 2.5 or B&W N802!
The 802 cost a lot more than the 2.5
Do anybody know if it is worth the ekstra money from ProAc Studio 250 to Responce 2.5???
I Can't compare, they are to far away (used speakers).
The Proac's will sound the best with the least amount of effort in component and cable matching. IMHO when things are set up optimally the Nautilus 802 will easily surpass the Proac in definition and bass impact.
I do not own either speaker but have heard them both. If your listening room is very large, I feel the 802s would be a better choice, otherwise go with the 2.5s and spend the money you will save on great music.
Happy listening,
I'm with Tweed. The Cary amps combined with the Response 2.5's is a wonderful match, and will provide a warm, lively, and very musical sound. The B&W's, especially with ML amps (a better match than Cary IMO), will produce a sound with greater speed and definition, but for me is a little bit too dry. Its all a matter of taste, and your ears will be the best judge of what sounds good to you.

A word of caution though - the 2.5's are not terribly efficient speakers, and the smaller Cary amps (SET's) will likely have some trouble driving them. I'd stick with the PP amps with these speakers.

As for your other question, I find that there's quite a difference between the Studio and Response series speakers. The Response speakers produce a fullness, soundstage, and midrange clarity that is unmatched by the Studios. I think that you’d find a dramatic, and wholly positive improvement by upgrading.

From a personal standpoint, I've been using ProAc 2.5's with CJ amps for several years and have been very happy with the sound.

Good luck,
Thanks for your advice, it is great to hear your highly professionals advice. I think I will try to upgrade to Responce 2.5 so, but how would they sound with ML?
My problems could be, that my Cary's are only 40 watts and now I have some problems with driving the Studio 250 is the 2.5 easier to drive?
I have heard some SS amps and I like this fast acurate sound, which are the reason I plan to change!!!