Rel Strata vs. HSU VTF-2

Has anyone compared these two models? What are the pro/cons? I am leaning toward the Rel but at more than twice the price, is it worth the extra money?
SInce HSU is a mail order outfit...hard to do an a/b unless you have a buddy or dealer who will loan you a REL...that being said...the reviews they have garnished have been very favorable...I assume they offer a trial period(most mail order outfits do)...that being said...RELs are awfully good subs...are there are not that many out there...good luck..
They are both very nice subs. I would definitely give the nod to the REL; but keep in mind that a REL Stratus III cost $1300 for black, and $1500 for wood veneer. The VTF-2 is $495. So the REL should hopefully be better. If you want a new sub and you are on a budget, the VTF-2 is great!