audio newbie question

I don't currently have a good stereo... and the logical thing to do in shopping for a system seemed to be to start with the speakers.

So I've been listening to as many speakers as I could, and so far I'm leaning toward the Dynaudio Audience 72 or the System Audio 1270. I've heard the following speakers: Magnepan 1.6, Thiel 1.5 & .5, numerous B&W up to $1500USD, Proac Studio 125, Paradigm Studio 100 & Monitor 7, Meadowlark Kestrels, Triangle Celcius, Martin Logan Aerius, Quad 988, Tannoy Revolution 2, Klipsch RF3, Mirage, Boston Acoustic, Dynaudio Audience 72, & System Audio 1250 & 1270 (believe me, I'm getting tired). I'm still planning on auditioning the JMLabs & Vandersteens.

Anyway, my question: Is there anything else I should consider (I'm trying to stay under $2K for the speakers - new or used)? I'm starting to lean toward used, since it seems to be a much better value... only problem is my lack of experience with most speakers. I'm also thinking that at the price range I'm looking at, I'll need a subwoofer (I like very tight bass, but with weight... not boomy!). Should I go with a less expensive option and get the subwoofer up front?

BTW, I listen to everything from jazz & folk to electronic & pop to rock & even heavy metal. I like crisp imaging and good dynamics... and a large sweet spot. I also don't know what electronics to get, so I'll take suggestions on that as well (trying to stay under $1600 for that). I'll work on the source at a later date. Thanks in advance for the advice.

Agree with Carl, and if you buy a pair used @ ~$1K, you can add a Vandersteen 2WQ sub used and still stay under $2K.
I'd go for the best (the ones you like the most) speakers you can budget for, and leave the possibility of a sub for later. You will most likely not be happy with any speaker which must depend on a sub to go near-full-range, and if you budget in such a way as to try and get both a sub and pair of near-full-range speakers at the same time, you may have to make compromises in speaker performance which you will not be content with later on. As for buying something used, if you can find a used pair you like the best that would be great, but you're already going about this the right way by listening first, and I would stick to what you can actually audition when choosing. You can always try a ZIP code search on Audiogon to find used speakers for sale in your area.
I agree with Z. All I can say is that I owned the Thiel 1.5s for years and loved them. I, only, after 5 years, found it necessary to go with a sub. I'm glad I did. Now, I'm grooving with the Revel M20s. Although, I use a sub, it is being repaired, right now, and I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying my system without the below 40Hz bass. I cannot live without that bottom end, but I can, obviously, live with this situation temporarily. Maybe, you can, as well. The M20s can be found in your price range, new. I realize with killer stands you may have to go a little beyond what you want to, so this may not be as good a suggestion as I originally thought, $$ wise. Revel's stock stands are poor, and substantial stands, are, costly. It just may mean, going used, rather than, new. Go with what tingles your tympanics and let no one tell you otherwise. I'm just throwing in another speaker for you to listen to, if you can. peace, warren
You have done some very good "leg work"...alot of good choices...and to be have pretty much hit most of the bases...outside of Vandersteen...although auditioning as many speakers as possible is is impossible to hear "everything under the sun"...I was in the same boat...pick the best shop in your area...make a good choice...which sounds like you will...and enjoy! My .02...used original KEstrals for around $750...dont need stands..
I think all of the speakers I've heard can benefit from a dynamic musical sub. Although some have such a loose bass that they cannot be helped. By the way, I don't have a dedicated listening room, so these speakers would have to integrate into my living room. Also, any thoughts on electronics?
