hardwood floors and spikes

I am purchasing a new house and it has very nice hardwood floors. What should i be doing about spikes? Remove them? Put plexiglass under them? Please feed me some options.

Ok here's my two cents,,,,,,,,literally!

I had the same problem a few months ago with my Klipsch speakers. I found the cheapest solution to the problem. I put a penny under each spike. The whole tweak cost 8 cents and it didn't affect the sound at all.

May sound kinda cheesy, but hey it worked!

good luck
Cone coasters by Sound Anchor. Nice looking stainless, with a small divot for the spike and stuff on the bottom so you can slide them around easily when you need to.
Depending how heavy your speakers are and how hard and pointy your spikes are they can go through a thin piece of metal like a penny.
Tell ya what you do...

Find the precise location that you want your speakers, make sure you lift them and set them down, you dont want to scuff your floor.

Then once they are in the perfect spot, take out a hammer and wildly start pounding on the top of your speaker(this is especially fun with martin logans) This will gently nudge your spikes into the hardwood floor and make sure that they do not move around and scratch the surface.

Slappity Slap!
Audiogon member "esoler" can make you some beautiful discs of whatever metal you want with a dimple to accomodate those points and protect your floors. Ace Hardware sells thick felt with an adhesive backing which you can cut and stick onto the floor side of the disc if you prefer.