Well, I took a RJ-45 and a USB cable apart this morning. I only have one of each in the house. So, the RJ-45 is on the left speakers, and the USB is on the right. I am using only single 24 gauge conductors to each hot and ground posts on the amp and speakers. So far, the mids sound very very real. The highs and lows are not quite as present. Then again, I am only using SuperOnes at the moment.
I did use all 8 conductors in the RJ-45 cable on the left speaker, but it made the speaker play louder than the right speaker that is using the USB. The USB only has 2 conductors (and two very tiny ones that I didn't even bother stripping), so I am forced to use one conductor on each binding post.
I also found using a single conductor has a much more real portrayal in the midrange than when using all the RJ-45's conductors.
I also found this website very helpful.
I did use all 8 conductors in the RJ-45 cable on the left speaker, but it made the speaker play louder than the right speaker that is using the USB. The USB only has 2 conductors (and two very tiny ones that I didn't even bother stripping), so I am forced to use one conductor on each binding post.
I also found using a single conductor has a much more real portrayal in the midrange than when using all the RJ-45's conductors.
I also found this website very helpful.