Kharma Reference Monitors

I just got a pair of Kharma Reference Monitors this weekend and felt that I had to write my comments. In the time that I have been an audiophile, I have had only a few components that at their time made me feel they were the best by far: Audio Logic DAC, Magnepan speakers, CJ Art, Illuminati Orchid and now the Kharma Reference Monitors.

The Kharma's replace a pair of Wilson WP 6.0 in an 18'x15' room. The associated equipment is Levinson 31 --> Audio Logic DAC --> Bat VK50SE --> Lamm ML1 --> KRM 3.2.

These speakers produce such a smooth musical sound that seems to fill the room as if they were the size of Pipes or Maggies. The top end is as good, if not better than the 3.6's I used to own. The bass is very articulate and tight. It's not quite as powerful as the WP6.0 in my room, but much more musical. The soundstage/disappearing act these speakers have is unparalleled in my experience. Invisible like the Vergos and able to place instruments like the Eidelons or Pipes. But the most amazing thing is how musical they sound. Their speed combined with their accurate reproduction of tonal character is the closest thing to real instruments I have heard. These things really are something special.

Now I feel that I need to upgrade the rest of my system, maybe an Audio Aero source or Lamm ML2 amps or new cables but definitely not new speakers for a while.
Perhaps you have read the review on these loudspeakers in TAS Issue 140 for some suggestions on possible ancillary equipment to use with these. Also, perhaps, you should consider the Meridian Models 800/861 Reference digital combo to round out your State-Of-The-Art system. (It appears you have the wherewithall to afford this kind of gear). If you do, please provide us with a review.
I can strongly recommend the audio aero Capitole mkII player with your system and perhaps some Jena Labs cables, and if you decide to sell a kidney the highly coveted Tenor 75wI amps would make you happy for nearly an eternity perhaps longer....
I'm not sure if it is OK to suggest this, but you will save a good 40-50% off the price of the Kharma CRMs relative to the US MSRP if you purchase in Europe and bring them back as a tourist.
Be warned. By purchasing the speakers overseas and shipping them to the U.S. you run the risk of the U.S distributor not having to provide support in the event you have a problem. That could mean you would have to ship the speaker back to Europe if you had a problem. This could offset the savings.