Calling Thiel owners please...

Anyone using spikes other than the ones supplied? I broke one and have substituted one from another speaker that works fine - but was wondering. Thanks
Try Aurios instead of the spikes. I think that you'll be VERY pleasantly surprised. Have a happy Labor Day!
The spikes on the Thiels (I used to own the CS1.5s) are pretty darn poor. goto and get yourself some killer platforms (cones/spike system) to put your babies on. You'll think you bought new speakers. Speak to Robert over there. He be da man. peace, warren
I agree with Warren, but they make special spikes for Thiels, I think I would just use them instead of a platform. It would be nearly as good sonically and a fraction of the price. Here's a link to the audiopoints web site that has a picture of the thiel points, if they are the right ones I wouldn't hesitate to give them a shot.
I can't imagine breaking a spike on my 1.6's. I did break a speaker wire binding post (due to the hole drilled for bare wire -may I ask WHO uses bare wire???). I did have to replace a spike due to clogged threads, however (dealer swapped with a floor model spike).
Spikes and their platform system: two different animals. One (spikes) is good and the other is: whoa! Check with Robert. He'll set you free. You'll be happy either way. peace, warren