suggestion for amp to go with B&W N803

I am auditioning ss integrated amplifiers to go with B&W Nautilus 803, any suggestions?
Many thanks, Robert
I have a rega planet cd player. Budget for amp is around euro 5000 [US$5400]. I will probably also upgrade the cd player in the near future.
Thanks, Robert
I've heard the Belles, I would think it would do a fine job with the 803s. Whatever you do, find a way to try any amp you're interested in yourself for a few days.
First any Levinson, they sound GREAT with B&W. Very smooth in the highs, which mates well with B&W, great mids and very good bass. Followed by Pass same reasons as ML, and Bryston. Krell is another good choice. Stay away from tubes. B&W Nautilus speakers have beautiful mids and the bass needs SS. The highs are strong and accurate (some people hear this as bright) with the right cables and room placement they are inviting. Peace and Good Listening, Pat.
I see you have the levinson 383 integrated, this is actually one of the amps i am considering [but haven't heard it yet] although i'm afraid it will be quite expensive in Holland. I listened to the Sugden masterclass integrated amp [class A] and had 2 problems: [1] the sound was a litle bit too warm, full bass but a little bit too much compared to mids and high and [2] mids and high were not sparkling enough [piano, voice], seemed to in the background of the 3D image. Did you come across these "problems" and did the levinson solve them?
further info: my listening room is 6.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 meters [21 x 15 x 8 foot]
thanks for your help, Robert
I have to disagree with Psjulian, I find Levinson gear to be too polite and uninvolving with the B&W Nautilus series. Intellectually I understand it but it does not pull me in and make me want to listen to music. As far as integrateds go the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista/Nu-Vista integrateds work well with the N803 and I have been told that the BAT integrated also is a good match. I have yet to hear an integrated that can really complete with descent seperates (I've been told that's why Pass Labs does not make an integrated).