what's the best "mini monior" these days

I looking for something to possibly replace my good old ProAc Tabletts. I still really like these speakers but it's always nice to hear what others like and maybe try a few. I've read (audio review & stereophile) good things about the Joseph Audio RM25si Mk II but have not heard them. I use a CJ MV60 and CJ PV14L.
I believe the Joseph RM25si's are floor standers...? I could be wrong. I think the RM7si's are mini monitors. I think they were also joint Stereophile speaker of the year. I've not heard them, but Joseph Audio's stuff is always superb sounding. For about $1800 a pair new, you'll probably not do so much better than these RM7si's I presume. But again, I've not heard em. Probably worth a listen as "joint speaker of the year!"
ATC SCM 7s and SCM 12s. These are simply amazing and I would put them up against just any passive cone speaker for dynamics, soundstage and imaging in their price range of $1100/pr. and $2,200/pr.

Vocals are truly natural. The smaller SCM 7s blew away my little 15ohm Rogers LS3/5As even in imaging which is no small feat.

Difficult to drive enclosed box, but worth it.
What about B&W Nautilus 805, Signature 805, Revel M20s? Dynaudio?

I have the N805s and they are excellent in detail, imaging, integratio of mid highs.
I second the ATC SCM7. I have tried several mini monitors over the last few years, these are keepers. They are accurate and involving. Truly amazing.