What speaker for Bryston 14B-SST?

I listen to rock and acousic folk. Does any one have a speaker combintaion that they are happy with the Bryston 14B-SST.
Based on my experience as a Bryston owner (4B-ST), and on the audio reviews that have been published about the 14B-SST in both the U.S. and Europe, it appears that the 14B-SST is an excellent match with virtually all high-end speakers. This puts you in the enviable position of being able to select the speaker that appeals to you, since the amp will not be a limiting factor in their performance. I hope that you will hear from some of the owners of the 14B-SST and learn what speakers they are using.
I had excellent results with a pair of NHT 3.3's, able to tame the occationally bright tweeter. They are now powering Hales Concept 5's and I couldn't be happier.
I listen to a lot of rock with a high powered amp (Spectron Musician II) and I’m very happy using a pair of Silverline La Folia’s. They are an 8 ohm speaker rated at 90db and will handle 1000 watts. They incorporate 4 great drivers— Dynaudio Esotar tweeter, Dynaudio mid, ScanSpeak mid woofer and a rear firing Focal woofer. They go down to 22hz and can play really loud without strain when there is a lot of watts available (Bryston 14B-SST) to push them. They are equally enjoyable listening to vocals and classical. Good luck.