I think the big gap between US and European tastes lies in the mid-fi to low-end range. It seems that there are many more Euopreans (especially British) people that want good sounding consumer gear. It's very obvious when you check out a British Hi-Fi mag and there are pages and pages...issues even...devoted to $100-$400 integrated amps, CD players, and speakers. The thing that amazes me is that they're all made by the same companies as the US consumer audio gear...Sony, Pioneer, Technics, Kendwood, Teac, etc....but it seems that they make a much better product than they do for the US. The US product has a billion features, surround sound, digital effects, etc., but the UK market seems to have a demand for a good sounding, simple, inexspensive, integrated amp. I find that refreshing. I wish that were the case here too.