Usher and Kharma Speakers

I was checking out speakers and found the Usher speakers on a dealers web site. They look alot like the Kharma speaker design. Has anyone heard the Uhser speakers and what are your comments and comparisions. What about the Kharma speakers. I was looking in the $8000 list price range.

Your comments are appreciated.

If you have $8k to spend on a set of speakers you have a lot of listening to do as your options are enviable.

Kharma has made some of the finest speakers on the planet.
In that price range, don't forget to audition the Revels and Piegas.

Take the $8k, buy me a plane ticket to the nearest large city, and we'll go shopping for a set of $7000 for you!
The Usher cabinets are amazing. You get a very special sound from solid wood. Crossover components are weak but no one makes a cabinet that nice out from solid wood.
I'v got usher Cp 8871 and I love it,highly recomended.Now I am selling my ex-speakers Revel f30 which I previously really liked untill now,huuuge improvment well not really comparable,cause they are so truthfull and musical and mainly a lot of resolution.Go get it.
I've heard a pair of the big Ushers at a friend's home. Due to his current setup I can't offer definitive comments except to say they are very dynamic and have extended bass response. I'm not crazy about the speaker terminals which are more massive than what I like to see, but the build quality, at least from outward appearances, looks to be top notch. The solid wood is every bit as impressive as Sonus Faber.

Brian Walsh
Did you not like the RM/x by VMPS???

Or even the RM40?

Cabinets may not be as nice, but sonically hard to beat.

