Getting into audio for around 3500$...problems...

I recently made a jump from a pair of NHT SuperTwos powered by a Denon 1801 receiver and a Pioneer Elite DVC36 DVD player
A set of Tyler Ref monitors (1325$)
CAL CL15 cd player (750$)
Rogue Magnum 88 amp (1325$) direct from the cd player, and tried running it though the Denon receiver.
Wiring = shotgun biwire from SignalCable, JPS ultra conductor interconnects

In any case, the jump from my 400$ NHT SuperTwo speakers to the Tylers was huge and well worth the price difference. However the change of the amp and cd player for 1900$ has provided only a marginal improvement, slightly more detail, warmth, soundstage. I was expecting as big a jump as the speaker change...but it wasn't there.

Based on what I've experienced so far I'm leaning towards
selling the amp, cd player and speakers and taking that 3200$ and upgrading the speakers which would run off the denon receiver and the dvd player.
SF Electa Amator II
Merlin VSMs
Audio Physics Virgo 2 or 3's
Aerial Acoustics 10t's
Dyn Countour 3.3's
Vienna Acoustics Beethovens

How many people think I'm smoking crack? *LOL*
After all the research and auditioning I did I was sooo sure I'd be able to hear a BIGGER difference. I suppose in my auditions from now on I should make sure to get at home demos!

What are peoples opinions on me just changing speakers like this? Do you think I'll get the sonic improvement I'm looking for? or do you think going from a 1300$ set of tylers to a 3300$ish set of speakers will only provide a minimal increase in sound quality.

Of course in a year or two I'm sure I'll have more funds and I may try out an integrated with whatever setup I'm running at that point...

and yes, I've tried repositioning my speakers a bunch of times, and I've a/b'ed about a zillion times, yes everything is fully broken in, the room is about 14x18, speakers are about 2ft from back wall, 6ft apart from each other, and I sit about 7 ft from the speakers
i agree try a preamp. the cal is an excellent cd player...certainly not a weak link. try to decide what you think you are missing before you start over. as the quality gets better the improvements become minimal at real dollars.
well lots of great advice and a lot to think about!
Since I have the money at this time I believe I'll push for a preamp, probably a Rogue 99 or Audible Illusion M3a.
Then I'll take a drive down to my local hifi store and pickup a set of speakers from my list and set them up and make a decision which gives more bang for the buck.

But dont get me wrong, I could hear a difference between the rogue and the was just subtle not in your face obvious like with the speaker change. The CD Player was also noticeable...but not sure if it was worth the difference that I noticed...
I agree that what you are probably looking at is system mismatch based on lack of an active pre-amp. The CAL CDPs of that group (CL-10, CL-15, CL-20 - OK thats a DVD-) are all pretty good. I would definately try out an AI, the Rouge, and maybe a BAT VK3i which is suppossed to be easier on tubes than the AI. DO NOT make the mistake of going to a very high end, revealing transducer (speaker) driven by mediocre electronics. Besides the fact that the receiver may not even be able to drive some of the speakers you mentioned, they will show every wart and blemish in the system upstream. IMO, really good electronics driving fair to good speakers will usually sound better than fair electronics driving really good speakers.
I found the Cal amps a little dry. I highly reccomend the sony 555es cd/sacd player. Great tonal balance. I also agree that your Denon could be improved on with a preamp.
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