Getting into audio for around 3500$...problems...

I recently made a jump from a pair of NHT SuperTwos powered by a Denon 1801 receiver and a Pioneer Elite DVC36 DVD player
A set of Tyler Ref monitors (1325$)
CAL CL15 cd player (750$)
Rogue Magnum 88 amp (1325$) direct from the cd player, and tried running it though the Denon receiver.
Wiring = shotgun biwire from SignalCable, JPS ultra conductor interconnects

In any case, the jump from my 400$ NHT SuperTwo speakers to the Tylers was huge and well worth the price difference. However the change of the amp and cd player for 1900$ has provided only a marginal improvement, slightly more detail, warmth, soundstage. I was expecting as big a jump as the speaker change...but it wasn't there.

Based on what I've experienced so far I'm leaning towards
selling the amp, cd player and speakers and taking that 3200$ and upgrading the speakers which would run off the denon receiver and the dvd player.
SF Electa Amator II
Merlin VSMs
Audio Physics Virgo 2 or 3's
Aerial Acoustics 10t's
Dyn Countour 3.3's
Vienna Acoustics Beethovens

How many people think I'm smoking crack? *LOL*
After all the research and auditioning I did I was sooo sure I'd be able to hear a BIGGER difference. I suppose in my auditions from now on I should make sure to get at home demos!

What are peoples opinions on me just changing speakers like this? Do you think I'll get the sonic improvement I'm looking for? or do you think going from a 1300$ set of tylers to a 3300$ish set of speakers will only provide a minimal increase in sound quality.

Of course in a year or two I'm sure I'll have more funds and I may try out an integrated with whatever setup I'm running at that point...

and yes, I've tried repositioning my speakers a bunch of times, and I've a/b'ed about a zillion times, yes everything is fully broken in, the room is about 14x18, speakers are about 2ft from back wall, 6ft apart from each other, and I sit about 7 ft from the speakers
Well, where do i begin. The largest sound change i got from my system was when i upgraded my cd player to an audio aero capitole. Before this i never really thought cd players added that much to a system. So now one might think that cd players are the most important part etc ... really i know that if the level of my system wasnt already incredibly high, much higher than when i bought my amp or speakers than the difference would have been much smaller. If you were to upgrade to merlins and run it with the denon you might get better sound, probably actually, but its almost a waste of money as you could only realize their full potential through higher quality equipment. Amps and cd players do make a difference but i find that with lower end auxilliary equipment the differences would be masked. If you are considering buying the merlins or other higherend speakers and stopping your system probably will sound better but you are depriving your self of slowly maturing your system through small component changes. So to end this diatribe, if you intend to only spend 3500 on your system total the merlins wouldn't be a bad idea, but if you have aspirations to further upgrades than i would keep what you have and slowly upgrade your weakest link. In audio the whole is greater than the sum of the parts of your system.
In order, I would try:

1. Put some heavy duty power cords on everything. You should be able to order some from or find them at an electronics shop. Just so long as they aren't those super thin, bottom barrel power cords.

2. Twine all of your power cords together and run them down one side of the rack. Run all your ic's down the other. Try to have at least 3" distance between any power cord.

2. Try rebiasing the Rogue amp. (if you can).

3. But some new tubes for the cal cd player.

4. Retube the Rogue. If your music is sounding a little lifeless without top end sparkle, it could be the power tubes. It should cost around $100 for 6550's or $120 for SVETLANA KT88's. Let the tubes burn in for 100 hours, and if you don't see an improvement take them out and keep them as spares. Power tubes last around 2000 hours.

5. Swap your speaker cable for a $300 8 foot acoustic zen satori speaker cable. Excellent cable, especially with tubes.

6. Retube the Rogue.

6. Try a few different ic's. For tube systems and not a fortune, I like the $150 retail Supra EFF-ISL ic's. Nordost red dawns are good with tube systems too.

7. Next I would try selling the CD player and buying a Sony XA7ES or a Resolution Audio CD-50 for $1000-1200. I know from experiance that the XA7ES direct driven sounds as good as with a preamp. I've never owned a RA CD-50 but I've heard them and think they have a wonderful analog output stage. Both of these players hold their value quite well.

8. If you still don't like what you hear, I would then try buying some virgo II's for $2500. Alternatively, the $2500 (new) JM-Reynaud Trente is a great transmission line monitor w/lots of bass and a pronounced midrange.

If you want to try a preamp, I would try a $750 Adcom 750 preamp. Those are nice because they can be passive or active. Usually a component with a tube output like the Cal will have lots of drive, so you can run the Adcom passively. If you want a tube preamp I would the the rogue, Audible Illusions Mod 3a, or a BAT vk-3i. My guess is that the passive Adcom would better all of them.

Disclaimer: I sell JM-Reynaud speakers and Supra cables
How big is your room? And what is like? Lots of windows? Carpets or bare walls?
the room is about 14x18, speakers are about 2ft from back wall, 6ft apart from each other, and I sit about 7 ft from the speakers. Floor is hardwood, on the right side are cloth curtains covering a bay window, on the left is a wooden display case type unit