Snell kIIs - LOST All my imaging - help

Always had rock solid imaging with my snell kII's using a very low budget system. Had an old toshiba receiver, but biwired the two A/B speaker connections s if sepaate amps, used home made zip wire concoction and cheap wooden stands. Always had no perceived sound emenating from speakers - everything across the sound field - very stable. People who knew nothing of audio always were amazed at the sound, the imaging and the enveloping quality.

In the past year I have changed several things and bit by bit things have gotten WORSE instead of better. Toshiba started to go bad in one channel so had to change.

Went to cheap metal stands (atlantis - 70 bucks) partially filled with lead shot.
Went to Outlaw AV receiver - still biwired but no A/B speaker settings.
Went to Kimber Kable (currently split 8 leads to biwire).

And most drastically MOVED to a new house. Used to have speakers on Brick fireplace area, nothing in between, 6 inchead from back wall,. Now on hardwood floors (spiked with floor gaurd things) and a big entertainment center in between speakers. room is 14 feet along speaker wall and 22 deep. and 12 foot high cathedral ceiling, sloped right to left. (Oldhouse had this but only 6- feet high.

Go no imaging - sounds horrible now. Help!!!!!!!
Speakers are probably too close to the wall. There also may be some other room related issues to solve.
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Perhaps that big entertainment center between the speakers induces bad reflection kharma.
I agree. Get rid of that large resonating defraction creating device between your speakers. And well, after that.... Step 2 and 3... Let us know the progress Tom
I've checked the phasing - reversed one side - no better. Maybe worse.

I've brought the fronts of the speakers 6-10 inches in FRONT of the entertainment system. Its hard for me to beleive that noone with a big TV or entertainment unit can have good imaging. Can that possibly be true? They should put a WARNING LABEL on these units if that's the case.
I'm calling Johnnie Cochran.

but way back when in the old house I even lost imaging when I went from wooden to metal stands - speakers were only 6 inches from back wall when they sounded great. But nothing in between.

Maybe fill the entertainment unit with lead shot? Its about 80 cubic feet.

What speaker might do better in sucha room? Somebody said a bigger spaker - I was thinking of B&W Nautilus 805 - I dunno, my buddy has'em and loves'em - in a smaller room than I have.