Best Cabling for Wilson Sophia's

I'm looking for a recommendation for interconnects/speaker cable to use with the following components:

Wadia 861SE
Pass x-250
Wilson Sophia's

How do you think Nordost Valhalla will work with these components.

Thanks for the response. I'm actually getting the Sophia's tomorrow to replace my Maggie 3.6's (hope I made the right decision).

I've been using a bi-wired Valhalla (now need a shotgun)and need to make a decision on re-terminating the Valhalla or going in another direction.
There's another thread going that claims that Wilsons are internally wired with Monster Cable. If it's true, maybe Monster Cable is the correct choice!
You didn't make a mistake moving from MG 3.6 to Wilson's as they are one of the few box speakers that are as fast and precise as the magnepans (i've owned three sets of Magnepans and upgraded to Wilson Watt/Puppy 7's), and now you get the capability to do dynamics!

I have run Transparent Reference XL (and with XL for the cables I couldn't afford)with outstanding results. Never tried the Valhalla which I heard of similar caliber. They might be a little dryer on the upper/mid than the Transparent on the Wilson is what I remember from other comparisons.

Spend time using the Wilson method of setting up your speakers (without the spikes so you can keep moving them around) They are really precise and 1/4" can sometimes be the difference between Bliss and Excellent.
My Wilson Witt II's were internally wired with Monster cable. They sounded great with Transparent cables.
Cytocycle: I'm encouraged that you made, and more importantly like the transition from planars. I sure hope I share your sentiments.
JTinn: What's your opinion on the Andromeda's paired with Valhalla i/c's from CDP to amp.

Anyone out there know the difference between Transparent XL and "with XL" ...the latter being significantly less expensive.

Thanks to all.