Abbeydog my system is on the expensive side. I'm using the Pathos twin towers hybrid amp which puts out 35 watts per channel. It doesn't seem like much power but the Europas play more than loud enough for me. This amp is one of the finest amps I've heard regardless of price. For digital, I'm using an EVS Millenium DAC fed by an EVS modified Pioneer DVD transport and a Monarchy Audio Jitter reducer. I've got the digital equipment and REL storm 3 plugged into a powerplant 300 set at PS2 multiwave. The Europas sit on Osiris stands. For cables I'm using a Zcable Live V4 interconnect, Bogdan pure silver speaker cables unterminated, and Luminous Allegro digital cables which are all excellent products for the money. For power cords TG audio 688 feeding the DAC, ZCable gold lightning feeding the Pathos, Silver Audio powerburst feeding the powerplant, and two Crump DIY cords feeding the transport and jitter reducer.