JM Lab mini Utopia's and which sub

I use to have a two channel set-up with the JM labs mini's
The high and the mid's where great and the low can be a little better.

Now I am building a surround set with five mini's and a sub
which sub wil do? I still like te listen two channel
but surround has to go with a bang.

Will the mini's do good as a surround speaker?
and which sub can I use?

Now i hear that the Martin Logan Descent will do in bought causes a really good job, please some feedback


I had the mini's for two years with a Velodyne HGS-10 and loved it, but I have heard better. For $800 dollars a sub, the HGS is a great bang for your buck, but if you are going to do HT and price is not a consideration, I would look for a used Sub Utopia. The Sub Utopia uses similar drivers to the one found in the Utopia and Grande Utopia. Good luck.
i would recomend the sub utopia as well. also the electa sub is only 1795 retail and it would blow you away. it has the utopia woofer in it.