I would echo calloways comments. As always I should start by saying it sounds like you are very happy with the p10 and if money is an issue or it will cause strife at home then you might think twice. If that is not the case (ie no down sides to trying them out) then the new c series is amazing. I had the p8ltd and had the opportunity to upgrede or at least try out the speakers. I left a review I believe on audiogon or aa. The change is very substantial and very worthwhile in my mind though that depends on how you define substantial and what the change is worth to you. Basically you get everything the p series offered just better (that sounds a bit silly but its hard to express it). The p8ltd are great speakers and 3 of my friends now have them after listening to mine but the c8ltd is that much better. The bass is even deeper and crisper and the soundstage larger (more realistic). The midrange and upper end is quite magical with the coaxial tweeter. The speaker in my setting seems to interact with my room a lot better too. I have had a bunch of friends over and a/b the two and all were very impressed. I hope this is of help. I would be happy to chat. Just drop me a note - or perhaps give me a shout. By the way, since I bought the c8ltds, piega has had no representative in Canada so I am the local rep, so you must take everything with a grain of salt (though you should do that with everyone).
I would echo calloways comments. As always I should start by saying it sounds like you are very happy with the p10 and if money is an issue or it will cause strife at home then you might think twice. If that is not the case (ie no down sides to trying them out) then the new c series is amazing. I had the p8ltd and had the opportunity to upgrede or at least try out the speakers. I left a review I believe on audiogon or aa. The change is very substantial and very worthwhile in my mind though that depends on how you define substantial and what the change is worth to you. Basically you get everything the p series offered just better (that sounds a bit silly but its hard to express it). The p8ltd are great speakers and 3 of my friends now have them after listening to mine but the c8ltd is that much better. The bass is even deeper and crisper and the soundstage larger (more realistic). The midrange and upper end is quite magical with the coaxial tweeter. The speaker in my setting seems to interact with my room a lot better too. I have had a bunch of friends over and a/b the two and all were very impressed. I hope this is of help. I would be happy to chat. Just drop me a note - or perhaps give me a shout. By the way, since I bought the c8ltds, piega has had no representative in Canada so I am the local rep, so you must take everything with a grain of salt (though you should do that with everyone).